
That Bitch Stole My Idea!!!

A little while ago I shared a video about how critical it is to make the shift from a content consumer to a content creator if you want to build a successful online business. And as I closed my laptop, I gave myself a little pat on the back for sharing what I thought was an awesome idea and a pretty great video.

(Here’s the link if you want to check it out

Then a few days later, bleary eyed over breakfast, I was scrolling mindlessly through some emails when a few sentences jumped off the screen at me and made me sit bolt upright. 
OMG that bitch stole my idea.

How dare this chick, whose email list I joined at some unknown point in time, copy MY idea! Who does she think she is???

In a huff, I scrolled back up to the top of the email, and that’s when my eyes fell on the DATE of the email.

Her email had hit my inbox a few days BEFORE I made that video. 
(Commence Operation “Calm Your Farm”)

The reason I’m sharing this near-miss hissy fit story with you is because there is a really important lesson for us all to take away.

Just because someone else has said or done or launched something that is kinda sorta similar to what you want to do, that DOESN’T mean that YOU can’t.

Now in this example, she “got in first” with her email. And I’m grateful that I didn’t see it before I recorded my video. Because I can tell you right now what my inner dialogue would have been…

“Crap, I wanted to say that, but now I can’t because it will just look like I copied her. And even though I already had that idea, she got in first, so now she’s got the rights to it. And she’s got a bigger following than me so people would prefer to listen to her instead of me and I’m probably not even cut out for this whole online biz thing”….or words to that effect.

Then the “old me” would have silently closed my laptop and slunk off in my sookiness wondering why everyone else can make it but not me.

But the truth is…. neither her nor myself are the first ones to ever talk about that concept. And we certainly won’t be the last. And even if 100 people were given the EXACT same topic to share with the world, we would do it in 100 different ways.

We each bring our own beliefs, experiences, examples to draw inspiration from, and then we each have our own unique flavour for sharing our ideas.

Have you ever had the experience of hearing the same concept over and over, but then one day, someone says the same thing in a slightly different way, and all of a sudden you just GET IT?

Even though you had heard it before, it didn’t click until you heard it said in THAT way, on THAT day, while you were in THAT headspace and it suddenly changed everything.

So don’t discount your own unique voice.

You might think it’s all been ‘done’ before.

But it hasn’t been done by you, in the way that only YOU can do it.

And that is the exact way that someone out there needs to hear it before it all clicks into place for them.

So when that idea flows through you, stop doubting that you have the ‘right’ to speak about it. Trust that your unique perspective is exactly what your audience needs to hear and share that voice of yours loud and proud.

It’s YOUR time for more


Louise Henry1 Comment